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Description: Enter your full name. This name will be associated with your audio ad submission, and it’s important for contact purposes.
2. Company (Optional)
Description: If you’re submitting the ad on behalf of a company or organization, please provide the company’s name here.
3. Phone
Description: Enter your primary contact phone number. Make sure it is a number where we can easily reach you regarding your submission.
4. Email
Description: Provide a valid email address that you check regularly. This is where all official communications regarding your ad submission will be sent, including approval and scheduling details.
5. Is AD Copywritten?
Yes: Check this if your ad copy is legally protected by copyright.
No: Check this if your ad copy is not copyrighted.
No, but I want to know how: Check this if you are interested in learning how to copyright your ad.
6. AD Script (Optional)
Description: If you have a pre-written script for the ad, paste it here. This script will be used as part of the ad when creating or reviewing it.
7. AD Subject
Example: ‘A Birthday Bash’
Description: Briefly describe the purpose or theme of your ad. For instance, if it’s a promotional ad for an event or product, provide that information here.
8. AD Length
15 secs
30 secs
1 min
2 mins
Description: Select the appropriate duration of your ad. Choose a length that matches the amount of content you want to cover.
9. Submit MP3 Here
Description: Use the provided upload link to submit your ad in MP3 format. Make sure the file is clear, high-quality, and correctly formatted.
10. We will email or text you when your AD goes live on Swade Soul AI Radio
Description: You will be notified by either email or text message once your ad is scheduled and goes live on the radio.